Guru Yoga

Rangjung Rigpa’i Dorje, the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa, © unknown

A few times a month we practice Guru Yoga, connecting and uniting with the mind of the Lama. We use a text that was composed by Rangjung Rigpa’i Dorje, His Holiness the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa (1924-1981). 

This deep practice emphasizes devotion and openness and offers room for shinay, silent sitting meditation. 

Een paar keer per maand beoefenen we Guru Yoga, het verbinden of verenigen met de geest van de Lama. We gebruiken een tekst die is geschreven door Rangjung Rigpa’i Dorje, Zijne Heiligheid de 16de Gyalwa Karmapa (1924-1981).

Deze diepe practice benadrukt devotie en openheid en biedt ook gelegenheid voor shinay, stille zitmeditatie.

[About Guru Yoga:]

This practice and for that matter all Buddhist practices are not commandments. 

They are not decrees. 

They are not teachings. 

They are momentary and spontaneous skilful means – surprises even, like a loving mother with her baby in the water, temporarily letting go to give the baby a chance to learn to swim –  intended or aspired from compassion.

Kindly delight yourselves in this practice.

Thaye Dorje, HH the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa