
Lama Gendun Rinpoche about Dharma, the teachings and practice of Buddhism:

Lama Gendun Rinpoche over Dharma, de lessen en beoefening van Boeddhisme:

Lama Gendun Rinpoche © unknown

We will truly understand the richness and goodness of the Dharma if we lead a life that is oriented toward furthering the well-being of others. Leading such a life will give us the means of freeing ourselves of all entanglements, ulterior motives and vested interests. It will bring light into our darkness and allow us to see clearly.

When we discover how the Dharma helps us liberate ourselves from emotions and all the suffering that comes with them we begin to appreciate its preciousness. We then develop a very intimate relationship with the Dharma – this is the fruit of our going for refuge in it. We are freed from doubts and no longer ask ourselyes: “what should I do? Am I on the right path or not?” We have become certain that we have understood the true meaning of the Dharma.

A great simplicity manifests in our lives, and we arrive at a bright clear openness in our mind. Our limitations dissolve, our lives brighten, and in the light of the Dharma all events acquire a clear meaning. Our lives run smoothly, we are taken up with the Dharma and we no longer have to strain to understand it. Our vacillation between confidence and doubt ceases; we live in openness and transparency. With the pure perception of the Dharma. Our mind opens up: all encounters, all events become instructions, and our lives become simple.

In this simplicity, we do not need to talk big, we do not need to convince ourselves or others, and we do not have to think with great effort; things are self-evident, The truth of the Dharma, and its profundity, become evident in a natural way. The Dharma comes to us because our mind has opened up in the true taking of refuge. A deep joyful power comes into being in our mind, and we truly comprehend the Dharma.

Gendun Rinpoche, from: Heart Advice of a Mahamudra Master